Please understand our office does not represent individual consumers. Complaints we receive provide insight to assist this office in identifying trends, launching investigations, and filing lawsuits on behalf of the public. Below is a list of national, state, and local referral agencies that may be of further assistance.
- Better Business (for business disputes and reviews)
- Colorado Department of Local Affairs (for issues concerning foreclosure)
- Colorado Division of Banking (for issues concerning state-chartered banks)
- Colorado Division of Financial Services (for issues concerning state credit unions and savings and loans)
- Colorado Division of Real Estate (regarding issues concerning a mortgage broker)
- Colorado Judicial Branch (for small claims court issues, which is disputes under $7,500)
- Colorado Legal Services (for legal assistance)
- Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association (for issues concerning a mortgage lender)
- Colorado Supreme Court (for issues concerning attorney collection practices)
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (for issues concerning banks, credit cards, payday loans, student loans, auto loans, credit reporting, and mortgages)
- Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (for issues concerning credit cards)
- Federal Trade Commission (for issues concerning identity theft)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (for issues concerning state-chartered banks)
- Metro Volunteer Lawyers – Denver Bar Association (for legal assistance to persons on limited income)
- National Credit Union Administration (for issues concerning federal credit unions)
- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (for issues concerning credit cards, national banks, federal savings banks, thrifts, and savings and loans)
- Stop Fraud Colorado – Colorado Attorney General (for issues concerning identity theft)