Attorney General Phil Weiser statement regarding U.S. Supreme Court ruling on DACA
June 28, 2019 (DENVER, Colo.) — In March, the State of Colorado joined a multi-state lawsuit challenging the federal government’s decision to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Attorney General Phil Weiser released the following statement regarding today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling:
“I am disappointed that the Supreme Court has decided to review the lower court ruling that stopped the federal government from ending DACA. Like the census case, the federal government did not truthfully explain its reason for ending DACA. After a full review of the administration’s action on DACA, I am confident that the Court will reach the same conclusion as it did in the census case, preventing the federal government from ending DACA based on contrived reasons.
“Despite making a commitment to information privacy, public safety, and building opportunity, the federal government is turning its back on millions of hardworking young people, many of whom who are an integral part of Colorado’s diverse communities and make valuable contributions to our economy and society.
“My grandparents and my mom came to the United States as an immigrant after fleeing religious persecution. As Attorney General, I am proud to defend our DREAMers and their right to live in the only country they’ve ever known as home. It’s time for Congress to finally pass legislation to protect DACA recipients. And despite today’s decision by the Court, we must continue the fight to uphold the long-standing values that make this country a welcoming place to pursue freedom and economic opportunity.”
Lawrence Pacheco, Director of Communications
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