Safe2Tell reports continue decline during summer break, set record high in 2022-2023 school year
August 8, 2023 (DENVER) — Safe2Tell report volume decreased 10% last month when compared to June, according to the monthly report released today. July marked the end of our 2022-23 school year, which saw the highest report volume in Safe2Tell’s history at 22,486 reports.
In July, the Safe2Tell program received 494 reports. Suicide threats (70), child abuse (31), and welfare checks (24) were among the top categories of reports. As with June 2023, July saw the typical low report volume the program regularly sees during summer break.
To enable an easier tip submission process, this month the Safe2Tell program launched a new text short code feature. Anyone can now text “S2TCO” to 728477 to receive an automated link to the tip submission page.
“With this 2022-23 school year having the largest tip volume ever recorded in our program’s history, we realize that the 22,486 reports are a symbol of both how far Safe2Tell has come and also of the continued work we have ahead of us,” said Attorney General Phil Weiser. “With the new texting feature, those numbers may very well rise again in the coming school year, and our team will work tirelessly to provide assistance, guidance, and resources to those who need it.”
In this school year, false reports are 2.8% of all reports submitted to Safe2Tell. False reports are those that contain untrue information and are submitted with the intent to harm, injure, or bully another person.
Examples of proper use of the Safe2Tell reporting process include:
- A person reported that a student and their parent were being physically abused. Local law enforcement investigated and arrested the individual harming the student and parent.
- A person reported that their peer expressed concerns about a stalker. School teams investigated and contacted the student’s parent, who is working with the sheriff’s office.
Safe2Tell is a successful violence intervention and prevention program for students to anonymously report threats to their own, and others’, safety. Safe2Tell is not an emergency response unit nor mental health counseling service provider; it is an information pathway for distributing anonymous reports to local law enforcement and school officials pursuant to state law.
To make a report, individuals can call 1-877-542-7233 from anywhere, at any time. Reports also can be made at or through the Safe2Tell mobile app which is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play.