Revealing second highest monthly report volume ever, Safe2Tell saves a student’s life in November 2023 report
Dec. 12, 2023 (DENVER) — As Safe2Tell reports increased to the second highest monthly volume ever recorded in November 2023, details also reveal how a Safe2Tell report saved a student’s life, according to the monthly report released today.
Last month, an individual reported a peer’s social post indicating suicidal ideation. Local law enforcement, responding to the report, discovered the student actively attempting suicide. Immediate notification was given to the student’s parents, and the student was promptly transported to the hospital, where they were placed on hold.
“Today, we not only celebrate Safe2Tell’s proven success story; we celebrate a life saved,” explained Attorney General Phil Weiser. “The intervention prompted by the Safe2Tell report prevented a tragedy and serves as a powerful reminder of the impact we can achieve when we come together to protect our youth. I sincerely want to tell the person who submitted the report how proud we are of you.”
In November, the program received 2,999 reports, which is a 5% increase over October reports, and a 46% increase when compared to the same month last year. Suicide (336), bullying (307) and school complaint (252) were among the top categories of reports. Additionally, report volume for the 2023-2024 school year is up 39% from this point last year with 10,044 reports.
“The strength of Safe2Tell echos loudly in our second-highest monthly report volume and is a poignant reminder of the program’s ability to turn collective vigilance into tangible, life-saving outcomes,” said Stacey Jenkins, Director of Safe2Tell.
In this school year, false reports are 3.5% of all reports submitted to Safe2Tell. False reports are those that contain untrue information and are submitted with the intent to harm, injure, or bully another person.
Anonymous reports from students and other individuals successfully helped protect students’ safety in November. In addition to the example above, a person reported a student was feeling depressed and struggling with taking their medication. School teams investigated and the school psychologist spoke with the student, who expressed feeling safe but made a plan to utilize their resources to feel better. The school contacted the parent and are monitoring the student.
Safe2Tell is a successful violence intervention and prevention program for students to anonymously report threats to their own, and others’, safety. Safe2Tell is not an emergency response unit nor mental health counseling service provider; it is an information pathway for distributing anonymous reports to local law enforcement and school officials pursuant to state law.
To make a report, individuals can call 1-877-542-7233 from anywhere, at any time. Reports also can be made at, by texting S2TCO to 738477, or through the Safe2Tell mobile app which is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Media Contact:
Mallory Boyce
Communications Specialist
720-508-6787 (office) | 720-219-1898 (cell)